We’re excited to bring you great events✨, fantastic drinks🥂, and, as always, 🍑cheeky vibes🍑 this new year! Stay tuned for upcoming events and some of our winter favorites.
🥳Upcoming Events🥳
Our Very First ‘I.R.L.’ Night with Idle Hands
Thursday, January 9th | 19h00

What is an IRL night?
‘In Real Life’ nights encourage us to remain present in the moment and unplugged. Social media is a blessing (and part of keeping a bar au courant) but Abricot encourages our guests to keep a healthy and mindful spirit this new year! We invite you to stay off your phones and in the moment at this first special event in our new series!
Idle Hands will be backing this crafting extravaganza with great vibes, a strong community, and a willingness to help encourage any new or old hobby to shine!
So bring your scrapbooks, crochet hooks, and needlepoint for an unplugged🔌 fun night. And did we mention… A FREE COCKTAIL? If you stay off your phone all night, we’ve got some free mini creations (boozy & N/A) to keep the party going.📱📞
Erotic French
Thursday, January 16th | 19h00

Join Clair de Lune to toss aside grammar rules & inhibitions, and forget about your accent. 🔥😍 Whether you’re looking to reignite the passion with a partner or captivate a hot Francophone or Anglophone, Clair’s expert tips and tricks will make you irresistible. 💋
Abricot’s New Year, New Moon Party
Saturday, January 25th

🌚✨We’ll be celebrating the new year and our upcoming first new moon of 2025 in spirit!💫✨
🔮🪄Diva will be back to read Tarot cards from 19h - 21h.🌟✨
💃🕺Filles des Platines will be spinning decks from 21h - 00h. 🔊🎵💃🕺
New Year, New Façade
Our cutesy little exterior has received a loving facelift this fall, and it’s finally all ready to show off to our lovely guests! We upgraded the awning, painted the exterior to match our cheeky interior🍑 and even got a new sexy sign to boot!
🍹Cocktail of the Month🍹
The Scheherazade

This cocktail’s namesake comes from an age-old fable of One Thousand and One Nights, narrated by Sheherezade, the wife of a Sultan who manages to spare her own life by telling him one thousand and one stories. Our gin gimlet takes inspiration from Middle Eastern flavor profiles, with tahini-wash gin, preserved lemon syrup, and a rim of Za’atar pulling the savory and sweet together in a beautiful blend that may just spare your own life.
The Owner’s Corner with Jennifer
Bonne année to our adored Abricot clients near and far! 🍑🎉 The entire team is excited about 2025, and what it has in store for us and our growing ‘stonefruit’ community.
New Year’s is a funny time. It is a time that lends itself to resolutions — new goals, new habits, new initiatives, a time of reflection and renewal. 🦋 ✨🤔 It can also be a cold time (no holidays, still Winter 🌨️ ), a time of pressure, anxiety, unrealistic expectations, a ‘cuffing time’ where opportunities to connect with friends and larger community aren’t as built in as they are when we’re all in the holiday spirit or enjoying the sunshine, a time where we may ask much of ourselves or feel isolated and unsure of the year ahead.
At Abricot, I have always envisioned a community gathering place and by extension, products, that embrace whatever season we’re in… a time of community or quiet reflection, celebration or healing… I personally also love to set intentions for who we are becoming individually and as a business, what directions we’d like to evolve.
Growing up, apricot orchards in my home town of Cupertino, California were replaced by Apples (many of you know, it rapidly became the home of Apple Computers and heart of Silicon Valley)… not a bad change at all … and also not an accident that we are named ‘Abricot’. There’s a place for technology and there’s a place for human connection. We at Abricot rely on both, but are fundamentally a space that exists to facilitate personal real-life connection. It’s why I think cocktail bars in general serve a vital function in communities, far more than providing fab booze or bites.
In 2025, look for Abricot to embrace the spirit of real-life connection more than ever before, with monthly IRL (in-real-life) nights. These will be nights for crafting, reading, writing postcards, going on a date, meeting new people… 🧵✍️🤗🎨 Whatever it provides for you, we’ll be looking to create an environment for even greater connection.
Also look for new offerings. We’re playing with new hours, new non-alcoholic options, new plates, new catering possibilities, and even new merch. Look for new announcements in the weeks and months leading into Spring. Finally, our new façade will be met with a new street-wide ‘facade’ this year. The mairie is turning our street into a coeur de quartier, meaning by Summer you will see new lampposts, plants, flowers, a more pedestrian-friendly street, and a neighborhood-gathering vibe. 🌳 We’ve been told that possibilities for new terrace space are even in the offings. Abricot is so excited for this much-needed change that supports everything we strive to be about. Stay tuned!
Wishing you a year filled with time for yourself and loved ones, peace, joy, and delicious cocktails. 🍸